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So, how's all that "nidra yoga" stuff going, anyhow?

It's been some weeks now, experimenting with this thing called "nidra yoga" or sleeping yoga. I wanted to take a moment with you all to update my journey with this new mind-body practice. (To recap:  Nidra Yoga is quite literally "yogic sleep," (Sanskrit) a form of meditation and deep relaxation. I became interested in it when reading an article (see link below) on it being used in midwifery in the UK in order to combat exhaustion and sleep deprivation in the midwives after a woman crashed her car and died.- She fell asleep at the wheel.  The idea is that it is taking a moment (or specifically, about thirty minutes) to rest, to take inventory of our bodies and our beings and to use this awareness to achieve more of a sense of peace and calm while being in a neutral, resting state. It has shown great success not only in the realm of sleep deprivation but also in dealing with anxiety, depression, pain management, and some traumas.) I am beginning to notice when I

A Change of Plans

 I don't know how your brain works but mine rides on the ADHD train quite a lot. Meaning, I get started on one thing and my attention is immediately captured by something that may or may not be related to what I was doing to begin with. Sometimes this results in doing a lot of things partway, sometimes in hyper focus where one thing gets done really well until I've exhausted it, or sometimes in me staring at a wall, trying to figure out why I can't read, listen, or speak. All of this is to say that, while reading on the topic of the effects of meditation on sleep deprivation, I have discovered a new interest that I want to examine more closely. It is called Nidra Yoga. Nidra Yoga is quite literally "yogic sleep," (Sanskrit) a form of meditation and deep relaxation. I became interested in it when reading an article (see link below) on it being used in midwifery in the UK in order to combat exhaustion and sleep deprivation in the midwives after a woman crashed her c

Let's Try This Again, Shall We?

 I am extremely new to the idea of internet blogging, I won't lie. I just had a beautifully written piece in front of me, all ready to be shared with the world (or at least my psychology class) and then it was gone. Poof. Gone. My links are gone. Everything is gone and I'm annoyed, but I suppose that's part of what this is about. Sleep deprivation can cause a lot of really unpleasant side effects. These include trouble focusing and problem solving, mood swings and irritability, weight gain and other realities of impaired health.  I consider myself to be chronically sleep deprived at this point. I am a mother of five kids. I have five dogs, including an eight month old puppy. I also have a husband who has sleep apnea (see: snoring) and has a tendency to move about the bed a lot during the night.- The bed that we share with two of our dogs, a black lab and a golden retriever.  Even if you asked me to, I couldn't pinpoint the exact month or even year that I started to real